Flotsam and Jetsam : “The End of Chaos” CD & LP 18th January 2019 Afm Records.
USA Thrash Metal band. The phoenix legendary explosion formation is still here and strong. To those who are not satisfied by the eighties thrash bands who became the pop bands of todays medias sell out, Flotsam is here to prove that they are conquering the throne of those who once thought they were the best.
stronger than ever the band has proved through their career and mostly the last few recent albums that they still have the anger and strength of their youth. The band that got us crazy about their first album is here giving us an awesome album that will hit the heart and the high place of the billboard!
The amazing Eric AK ‘s voice getting through your blood and brain , always pounding with melodies and strong power. How many singers can relate to be as good as they were thirty years ago? well he is and nothing is gone. Heavy kicking songs from the first one, with addicting songs such as ‘Recover’ , ‘Demolition Man’ pushing you to head bang like crazy.
The cover artwork although done digitally with new technology brings the memory of their first album, like the end of a circle through a deserved career. A monster representing the human being destroying everything the earth has created. But this is certainly not the end for Flotsam and Jetsam as their strength will just keep them on the top of the Thrash scene.
Pounding drums, kicking solos, heavy melodic vocals everything here is to destroy the music scene that has lost its soul through the mainstream business entity. Flotsam and Jetsam is the one who keeps the flame and this is so good. Reminding the song they wrote back when saying ‘people want to kill them‘ , well you can see as we say ‘what not kills you makes you stronger‘ can definitively be used for this band.
Twelve songs to kick your day of pleasure and moshing power, voted best album for the new year 100/100.
Flotsam &jetsam you guys are the coolest keep on thrashing