Almost Human : “XS4XTC” Digipack CD 1st February 2019 Fastball Music / Normosis Records. Switerzland Alternative Rock / Hardcore / Modern Metal band. Started in the early eighties the band had troubles to get a stable line up and so had to restart in 2008 years later to finally get their creations alive and heard.
This is what happens to many people who have their own ideas about the music direction they want to share. I personnaly am in this case when I have my own songs and the hard time to find the right people.
The band released an album in 2012 I have reviewed, I recently listened to the new album that will be out in few weeks. Fans won’t be disappointed, for the others it is just an art mixing emotions and technics. Exploring the human being keeping related to their band’s name. It is questioning many issue in life pushing the mind to think.
An explosion of anger to kick people’s mind with the sound of the digital age reminding sometimes bands such as Messugah with their technical skills and harsh tunes. Also getting a bit of band such as Mekong Delta, those bands compositions into tech guitar skills and broken tempos making them out of the ordinary Metal bands.
For the youngest generation I would also talk about the inspiration from band such as Korn with the broken distorted voice. Each person will relate to their favorite artist and like Almost Human in the category of Modern Metal bands.
Have a listen to make up your mind :
Some will hear the composition close to bands such as Gojira…The most important to say is they have a special universe bounded to themselves and don’t really get into any box. Their musical art is unusual to the main Metal bands , using the Rock style and merging it into an explosion of emotions with distortion.
A powerful cover artwork with a great Digital CD box , fourteen songs with the last one (the video) being the longest one to end this piece of art. ‘System of Beliefs’ , ‘What makes you so Hard’ , ‘Beloved Pet’… each songs has a strong message but they all belong to this album that sends you in a special world if you dig it.
Almost Human is really active even if they aren’t much on social medias as the rest because their music is more important. I invite you if you haven’t yet to listen and support this band who has a great talent and needs to get spread 98/100.