Not Scientists: “Staring At The Sun” LP and CD and Digital 3rd February 2024 Rookie Records / Kicking.

Not Scientists: "Staring At The Sun" LP and CD and Digital 3rd February 2024 Rookie Records / Kicking.
Not Scientists: "Staring At The Sun" LP and CD and Digital 3rd February 2024 Rookie Records / Kicking.
Not Scientists: “Staring At The Sun” LP and CD and Digital 3rd February 2024 Rookie Records / Kicking.

Not Scientists: “Staring At The Sun” LP and CD and Digital 3rd February 2024 Rookie Records / Kicking. French Punk / New Wave band.

What a great time to return to those great eighties tunes. Many will revive through those great years. Many will agree that the nineties were mediocre, resulting in the good old music coming back. The good thing is, we have a mix of seventies and eighties music blasting our ears with pleasure in this album. If the band was much more into Punk, they surfed on the Wave, their music has evolved into a blend of those sounds.

intriguing cover artwork, no title, no band’s name… Everything is inside and on the back of the LP. For someone who doesn’t know the band, it is for sure a bet to buy an album to hear if it will please you. Once you see them live, you just buy the album without any question. Curiosity is the key to music. 

Many underrated bands fulfill small record labels, but if you dig and move to live shows. The mystery will bring some light to your heart.

Check it out:

No Scientists aren’t magicians, yet they have the recipe for great melodies and entertain you with awesome pleasure. 

Eleven songs send you into loving dreams, sliding into your mind in a second, and you will be addicted. Using samplers, reverb, and just simple yet powerful riffs. 

Please see them live, it’s worth it and you won’t regret it. A must-have 100/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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