Sebastian Bach: “Child Within The Man” LP and CD and Digital 10th May 2024 Atomic Fire Records. USA Heavy Metal band.
A decade since his last album, a bomb just hit the world again! The man who blew the world in the late eighties and got us addicted to his madness and power is back for more. Great singers are a few, he left a trace in the music forever and in our hearts. Most bands reunite mostly because they released great albums and the fans just can’t stop listening to those masterpieces.
Yet in the case of Skid Row, there are plenty of things stopping this usual matter from happening. This is sad indeed, even if musicians have their past and life, they usually reunite for the fans and then for the money. Some bands come back for a live tour or a new album and might disappear again. Here we have a ‘childish’ fight we, for most, don’t get it. I’m just speaking for myself but there are certainly others thinking the same.
Sebastian Back is a brilliant singer, he sure could join any other band to blast the world for years to come. He decided to play on his own and of course, he can trust brilliant musicians to release amazing records. His previous band has fought for years trying to find a good replacement when they found one recently in the name of Erik Gronwall, a perfect fit who had the chance to record an album, they finally went for another one again that won’t stick.
We can so think Sebastian is better on his own. The most ridiculous is the band is playing the good old tunes live and Sebastian is also doing the same since the first albums were the best Skid Row has done. So after saying this. I can say I’m blown away by this stunning album. Sebastian always had great musicians to back him up and each album he’s releasing are masterpiece. This man is a legend and always amazes me.
Check it out:
Eleven songs to blast your day with pleasure. Energy and power, the man got it all after all the years he’s been singing. Proving he can still reach high notes and kicking vocal lines. A special cover artwork talking to many and mostly expressing his own life. Digging the lyrics, giving his feelings and also passing on many messages we will all agree with. Music is a strong way to pass on passion and love.
Sebastian was a wild child, still a child, he lives his dream and we can only thank him for spreading it with us.
Rock it on, a must-have in your collection 100/100.