Pressure : “What do you see / Vad Du Ser” 19th February 2021 Self Produced. Swedish Rock / Metal band.
Thanks to a good promotion from Sam Bone, the band is aired everywhere in the world. With a pretty good fame in their country and abroad, Pressure keeps its way as a three guitarist piece spreading things we all think. Their music is well done and even have a chorus line that get you dance and remember the song. This new one is a start from the album coming out late end of April or May 2021.
You can learn much about them by reading the interview in The Metal Mag, unusual band they have the receipt for creating songs you won’t forget and will fall in love in a second. Entertaining anyone listening to their tunes whoever in Swedish or English, they know how to catch your attention. From the start melodies and heavy riffs, added with funny video and tons of fans.
Pressure has made a name for their own , and you surely will hear more and more from this amazing band. Doubling the pleasure for every songs sung both in English and Swedish giving a personal touch to their blood. Not many bands do that , but it is really interesting because even if you don’t understand the language you will like both versions. The heavy voice from Olof Jönsson brings that power to emotion that speaks to us all.
Lead guitarist Simon “Siirpo” Forsell enchanting the music with his melodies and nice parts, completed by guitarist Emil Salling rythms. This three piece band is making as much good music as a five members one. Professionals who have played a lot and now enjoying creating their own tunes, with fun while keeping the serious of it.
Check out this video, in English :
“Pressure is all about every story, every moment, every Pressure!”
Listened to it in Swedish :
Good eighties Rock riffs, reminding many who made history in the music. The receipt always work! The message is getting stronger and keeps its roots from Pressure. The Story Metal band as they call , is making its way to the stardom. Already tons of fans we can see in this video, playing amazing live shows with all the knowledge they acquired during their experience in the business. It is time the band got strong and supported.
If you haven’t heard them yet I urge you to check their website or use the digital platforms to fan them back. Nothing better to have this song to bring new fans to the train. Get their first album and jump on the next one. They rock, it bleeds through and it feels good. Spreading happiness and good vibes with great rocking tunes 100/100.