The Metal Mag N°14

Hello fellas,
This issue is special as it’s little smaller than usual; you’re gonna say it ‘s summer… well not really it’s only a matter of personal life. My commitment are only during the week ends for a while so stick to me as it demands lots of time.
In this issue the partners Diodak for which you can win a ghost guitar, Hellbrush and others are still here to share their artistic work and passion a big thanks to them. Thanks to the beloved Marie who shared once again one of her paintings for the cover (she’s selling a lot)
Interviews with Denis Louis the first man to built Metal guitars, Flotsam & Jetsam Eric talks a bit of the new album and line up, Invasive give a little insight of the changes, Celestial Ruin talks about the difficulty to be part of the canadian scene, Madam Mayhem talks about the pleasure of being a singer, Furies talks about the French metal scene and else and as usual now the dedicated Teri Stahl in her Drummer rock section has many drummers talking about their passion. Including Blind Side Thunder, 24-7, Tomato, Sunroad
all these to keep the metal music alive and a passion that takes a lot of energy.
Support the bands
and if you want to participate you are always welcome
stay tuned

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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