Have you got your copy yet?

As you may know The Metal Mag N°28 is out, thanks to all who ordered it. For the others go by the website and get yourself a piece of History!
(Ryan Witting told so as Alexandre Achain)
The Metal Mag N°28 cover March / April 2019
buy printed copies :

with Zephyra, Scarlette – Scarlette Fever, Joe Stump, Nicolas Waldo, Katia Figuera, Nikki Allin, Lana Blac, REIGN, Tony Netterbrant, Scarlet Sins, Hammer Down Hard, Wes Moose Jaques, Astrum Lux Lucis, Adrienne Diane Dena Weisman, Howell Maury, Petr Duffek, Kim Deiman Allegrezza, Leather Leone BAND, ZiX, SEVI, Edge of Destiny, Antoine VolHard, John LeVasseur, Kelly Tee, Kraevin Caedo, Kamil Růžička, Being “alive” is beautiful, Keb Szabo, LoveBone, Christina Avila, Electric Shock, Sign Of The Jackal, Ryan Witting, Elie Bertrand, Blitzkrieg, Sophia E. DiGonis, Deathroned, Brad Lang, Fabien Pinneteau, Horseman, Infinitus Mortus, Stepchild, Полинове Поле / Polynove Pole, Ambush, Lion Music Record Label, Metal Coffee Podcast and The Metal Mag.
The N°29 is on it’s way and will hit the shores end of June so keep your eyes opened!
Surprises awaiting for you!
ps: it’s still time to get inside…contact me
The Editor
Franck Michaud

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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