The Metal Mag N°32 November December 2019

©The Metal Mag N°32 November December 2019/
©The Metal Mag N°32 November December 2019/
©The Metal Mag N°32 November December 2019/

©The Metal Mag N°32 November December 2019/

#1 Courtney Cox

#2 Ardityon (English – Italiano)

#3 Eleine

#4 Tygers of Pan Tang

#5 Christina Avila ‘s section

        Carlos Cruz

        Johnny Zell

        Jake Haimowitz

        Mark Simpson

        Peter Dallas

        Jeff P Tzimas

       Gregg Polcari

      Tony Macch

      Shane West

      Chuck Heath

#6 Porn (Français / English)

#7 St. Madness

#8 Ritual Steel

#9 The Tex Avery Syndrome

#10 Liv Sin

#11 Strider

#12 Imago Imperil

#13  Inadream

#14 Frontback

#15 Juglans Regia

#16 Wes Jacques ’s section

        Tara Lynch

        Death Plague

#17 End Of Mankind (Français / English)

#18 Ryan Witting ’s section

       Vinnie Moore

       Spread Eagle

#19 Cobra Cult

#20 The Commander In Chief

#21 Edge of paradise

#22 Dogbane

#23 Divine Weep

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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