What means the deadline?

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What means the deadline?

The deadline is usually referring to the last date that is given to end up something.

For example : the Deadline to end up a resume before it’s too late, is given to you as the day it must be done.

Every day you must follow a deadline to arrive on time at your job’s address..etc..

So for the Deadline given  to send the informations , interviews , photos .. for the magazine to be made. I always give a deadline. 

(People not following this date given, ends up Fired, miss the test, don’t appear in the magazine for my part)

It is called “Deadline” cos it means when you haven’t done everything to follow the rules , which in this case is the last date you must follow. You can no longer continue what was meant to be achieved.

So just follow the Deadline given!

The Metal Mag has deadline to unsure the magazine will be finished in time to be released to the world and sold.

    About TheeEditor

    The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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