I would like to work for this great magazine, what can I do?
Since I started the magazine, many people have jumped on me to do something.
Back in 1998 when I started The Metal Mag, I was selling merchandise for bands and do all the best I could to spread the word.
Many people have helped, supported , used me for what I was doing.
A lot of people have done things for the magazine, the truly passionate people like me stayed longer. Some have passed few months and found another way to get on their own. The net is evolving a lot it has opened doors to fast spreads.
I won’t deny I do not have any regrets at all, my aim is first to spread bands and my door is always opened to share bands.
Tery Stahl stayed a year with her drumming section, Heather Williams passed sharing some of her interviews she already had in other fanzine. Matt Drummond got me a great interview and shared reviews, Christina Avila is passing by sometimes to have a section spreading bands in her area… Kelly Tee from Australia gave a bit of her time for Black Metal interviews and reviews. (I don’t name all who are participating as it would take a long time – you know who you are)
Those people are the recent ones who gave their passion to be and support the magazine. I’m grateful for their work and time.
On the other hand, some professional journalists have gave me the wish to work for me. I must say I am really amazed to see my magazine has attracted so many people willing to work for The Metal Mag.
Unfortunately to have a team and pay them, it has to be a strong company and gaining much money. At this time, but it must evolve who knows.. I can not pay people and I accept the help of any passionate people willing to share with me their work. Music is life and passion is something not many have.
Like any relationship trust is the most important thing of it all! Passion and dedication is number one. (Reasons why I have stopped having bands searching for the right people.)
Today people come to me for the magazine. So if you are willing to give a bit of your time and help The Metal Mag raising and gaining much interest and exposure, you are most welcome.
At the end we may gain something to push the magazine on higher stairs and hopefully a team will be a full time.
(remember that most online Webzines are full of passionat people)
You have the will to be part of the journey? So get in touch and we’ll talk about the possibilities.
Contact me!