How can I feature in the magazine?

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Formely Answered Questions
Formally Answered Questions

How can I feature in the magazine?

To feature in The Metal Mag magazines, you first have to follow the rules.

1. Not to send a mail telling “review my band”.

2. I am overwhelmed by demands by mails and most social medias.

3. If I , by chance, read your mail I will send you a message to thank you and telling you to wait or simply pay. 

4. If you choose to wait then I will review your album and maybe think about getting you in the magazine.

5. The best way is going to the Prices page, then follow the rule and it will work easier for you and me.

6. Respect me as much as I respect you , I give a chance to underground bands to get a light out of the tunnel. This is a work and it needs to be paid. (Some band have been signed after a review or an interview)



About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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