The Metal Mag N19

OK the mag is nearly finished, few days to wait !!!

so far interviews : # Gundaker # Thrust # Axe Master # Mathias Holm Klarin # Pokerface # Alch3my (Français/English) # Sevi #Space Vacation # Opposing Motion # Robb Reiner – Anvil – Chris Moore – YYNOT – Michael Gray – Rodney Pino – Silent Rage – Deano Ferrari – Clive Edwards # Toxik # Dementia # Scarlean # Chaos AB (Français, English) # Wildecliffe #  Sodom Girschool # Mind Of Fury # Dale Sholler # Mason # Scott Gailor # Silk9 # Absolva # Troyen # Weapons of  Anew # Ripio # Xtasy # Chrysilia # Ice Age # Speed Limit # Satarial # Yggdrassil (espanol / english) # Shadowside # Hesperion # …

Stay tuned
Franck – The Metal Mag

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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