Chastain : “We Bleed metal 17” CD & Digital 24.08.2017 Vinyl release date is September 22 on Pure Steel Records and Leviathan Records Worldwide.

Chastain : "We Bleed metal 17" CD & Digital 24.08.2017 Vinyl release date is September 22 on Pure Steel Records and Leviathan Records Worldwide.
Chastain : "We Bleed metal 17" CD & Digital 24.08.2017 Vinyl release date is September 22 on Pure Steel Records and Leviathan Records Worldwide.
Chastain : "We Bleed metal 17" CD & Digital 24.08.2017 Vinyl release date is September 22 on Pure Steel Records and Leviathan Records Worldwide.
Chastain : “We Bleed metal 17” CD & Digital 24.08.2017 Vinyl release date is September 22 on Pure Steel Records and Leviathan Records Worldwide.

Chastain : “We Bleed metal 17” CD & Digital 24.08.2017 Vinyl release date is September 22 on Pure Steel Records and Leviathan Records Worldwide.Us heavy Metal band. No need to introduce the master , once again bringing an explosion of kick ass riffs with the help of Leather Leone on vocals this is a pure Chastain album. Reworked on the music compared to the previous album with the same name “we bleed metal” few years ago. You can read all what said David on The Metal Mag N18.  about the reason for keeping the name of the album. What we have here are nine songs that has a real power and intensity. Sometimes reminding “ruler of the wasteland” one of the biggest album everyone should own. The sound is kicking and you just can’t stop listening such it pounds to the heart and this what made this band such great to listen to. Get your a taste of what to attend and get it as the album is selling really really fast!


A pure Heavy Metal album that kicks and is once again keeping the flame alive 98/100.


About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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