Eden Myrrh : ” Lost Anthology” 4CD Boxset 21st May 2022 Self Released. Canada Heavy Metal band.
A great collectible for Heavy Metal fans, great dedication, and memory for former bandmates. Nikko always wanted to get his creations to be accomplished with a modern touch. It is with lots of despair and hard work, he finally managed to find the time and the musicians to get it all done.
What were old demos known from the underground fans, this box set give you great recordings mixed up into the digital world as CDS. Old songs revisited, drum machine replaced by real drummer and a real bass player. It is now a completely brilliant album to blast your ears with pleasure.
The 30th Anniversary box set brings you :
CD 1: is a complete album « insurrection ». This is an excellent Heavy Metal one. A beautiful piece to credit and remember one of the original member Todd Kulessa. The album regroups compositions from 1998 with never finished ones, completed and made for this release as they were supposed to be. We can say after those years Nikko / Eden Myrrh has released a masterpiece.
An album they can be proud of, it’s on its own what explodes the satisfaction of a great work that took years to get accomplished. Such dedication and passion helped the result to be full of melodies and power. Eleven songs with ballads and catchy Heavy Metal songs. A journey of pleasure to feel happy in this life. Acoustic guitar and atmosphere sending you back to the seventies sometimes get « Insurrection » a real-life spilling all influences that marked the music scene.
Influences from Dio, Chastain, Megadeth, Scorpions, Led Zepplin, Lethal, Great White, Whitesnake…
The addition of a great singer Gus Monsanto and drummer Guy Anthony as bass player Trent Olerksuik makes it a real feel of amazing musicians spreading good vibes. We can say Eden Myrrh has finally got a great lineup that emphasizes this image that long time has been working its way out. This should give faith to all who have left old songs in the past when they could get even better after a few years of hard work.
Ends with a chat from friends in 1998 called Memories.
CD2: « ..And fire for all my friends »
The amazing Monsento’s voice makes you think Eden Myrrh is inspired by Chastain with Leather’s singing. While some songs are old, it sounds really fresh as a new album.
Once again a brilliant work to remake those songs having an amazing recording as mixing one. It also has new songs or unfinished ones finally done with the new guys. It took a few years but the result is amazingly well done.
Those who got the previous versions, they will be blown away by this new album! the difference from the first CD is from the seventh song, you can hear those songs have been modified. A big heavy metal influence with Viking sounds and such.
The album keeps its own style though, with acoustic and piano songs. A song that is top of the rock ballads that hit the world back in the days. To finally finish this album with a Heavy Metal kick in the butt, a powerful song.
And the last track is just Nikko introducing you to the bio of Eden Myrhh with the reason for this boxset. « drink with us from 2021 ».
Check it out:
CD3: « Eden Myrrh » was originally recorded on tape back in 1993!
One song reminds me of my own demo tape with my heavy / thrash composition with one of the guitarists I had… I guess we all sound the same until a good mixer comes along to get your songs a much emphasis that blows people’s minds.
Again changing a demo tape into today’s digital world, is a strong hard work some manage to do! The result is astonishing, to say the least. An intro reminding Flotsam and Jetsam in their first album, to describe the sound, it’s like you record today on your own computer. The distortion sounds really like what electronics do. The gap between songs is pretty long to my taste but I guess it’s cos they couldn’t do another way to capture each track and work on them with the best they could.
So songs are short, it’s a demo without singers and just pure creations. Added old interviews, and B-sides songs with each date from the early nineties. This is a collectible item topping the box set with a complete history of the band.
One track is changed sounding like Beavis and Butt head’s MTV cartoon characters talking, it’s funny.
CD4: « Ep » demo with no vocals small interview at the end From 1991.
A nice booklet with photos of each of the CDs , release dates, and words from Nikko. Added the great artwork in the middle, photos of each member with a page full of today’s photos that marks the history of Edden Myrrh and a brilliant ending. Of course the message to all the owners of this masterpiece. A special plectrum, and a business card.
Gus and Nikko are the members. Trent & Guy were session musicians.
A very good work, really professionally done, with dedication from the heart. Must have 100/100.