Livesay : ” Chronicles ” CD & Digital 5th October RFL Records.

Livesay : " Chronicles " CD & Digital 5th Ocotber RFL Records.
Livesay : " Chronicles " CD & Digital 5th Ocotber RFL Records.
Livesay : " Chronicles " CD & Digital 14th September RFL Records.
Livesay : ” Chronicles ” CD & Digital 5th October RFL Records.

Livesay : ” Chronicles ” CD & Digital 5th October RFL Records. USA AOR / Heavy Metal band. Vandals guitarist Gregg Livesay formed his own band back in 1991 after getting bored of line up changes that occurred in all his formations. While the band was up and running and released four albums, the usual line up changes kept its way as usual. The music was set and so each member joined to be just another Livesay blood. Keeping the sound and variety of groovy yet powerful songs. The band has played many live shows sharing the stage with the biggest bands on the planet.

Having few singers and after recently signed with RFL Records, they issued an album regrouping the music created throughout those years of music history. From 1992 until 2016 and a new track with the new singer Mike Gill that let you hear the band is not yet ready to end. The amazing Gregg who looks like and play as good as Yngwie Malmsteen,  make a perfect band to drive you into melodies and solos to please everyone.

Every guitarist fans will be amazed by his playing and music creations, he could have a solo career but instead he chose to have his own band mixing influences from the eighties greatest to make his own. “Red Room” , “No Way Out” , “Love & Chains”… “International Man” thirteen songs to blast your ears and send you into a sweet cloud of pleasure.

Have a listen :

This is serious tunes and a band that is worth checking and follow. I hope you are getting conquered while listening to this video. Brilliant skills from every musicians getting this band on top of the list , if like me you are an eighties fan. Influences are so wide , from Dokken, Tesla, Voodoo X, Kiss, FM, Drive She Said, Gary Moore, Van Halen, MSG, XYZ...They have all it takes to light up your day 99/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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