Alexandra-Zerner : “Opus 1880” CD & Digital 23rd September Self Released.

Alexandra-Zerner : "Opus 1880" CD & Digital 24th September Self Released.
Alexandra-Zener : "Opus 1880" CD & Digital 24th September Self Released.
Alexandra-Zerner : “Opus 1880” CD & Digital 23rd September Self Released.

Alexandra-Zerner : “Opus 1880” CD & Digital 23rd September Self Released. Bulgaria virtuoso guitarist. That lady is amazing in her way of playing her instrument and managing to get a lot of hard work like Jason Becker did making it so simple when watching and listening to.

Opus 1880” was released via PledgeMusic as a pre-order campaign, which exceeded 165% at the time of the release. This is pretty amazing knowing all the guests on this double album released by this awesome lady. She deserves respect just for the hard work creation and getting this piece of artwork such a fame. For those who still don’t know her  you can still learn about this shredding woman in The Metal Mag interview.

First I must admit I was awaiting a solo album but in fact it is a complete ‘band’ album, Alexandra is playing amazingly her parts but with guests singers and else giving this double album a special taint. It’s starting with a kind of movie with a voice spoken from Ivan Ivanov that gives the start of an extraordinary story.

The cover artwork really sums up the whole idea of a legendary tale mixing real life giving it a twist of dreaming. Both parts have eleven songs each but have a different approach like two different albums linked by the guitars. But don’t worry they are instrumental guitar parts! From the third song we feel the Jason Becker / Marty Friedman influnces, the main singer on the first CD is Angel Wolf-Black (Vivaldi Metal Project) who has a beautiful voice. She is giving a pop kind of style on some songs while the whole concept is much more on the Prog one.  She is singing most songs on the first album.

There is also Misha lliev who sings on a song that has that Supertramp vibe. The second CD has a song in two parts. We found another great lady singer Svetlana Bliznakova  (Sevi) who brings another touch to the songs. Bobby Koelble (Death) on one song. Franck Hermanny (Adagio) – bass on “Electric Kisses” which is an instrumental song reminding Marty Friedman’s “Dragon’s kiss”..simply a melody that sends you into the sky. Gretchen Menn – lead guitars on “Unfairlytale” which has a rock touch…

Many guests such as  Iavor Pachovski (Yuvigi), Ivan Ivanov (Velian)Mistheria (Vivaldi Metal Project, Bruce Dickinson & others) , Nora Kalcheva (The Strings)..

Here is a hint of what to listen to on this amazing double album :

To give you an insight, some songs have the influence of Yes, Michael Field, Ritchie’s Blackmore Night, Kate Bush, Within Temptation… among others you will hear from yourself. This is like a compilation of all music styles in one.

So now you have gotten the love of this art, just buy it !!! Alexandra is an awesome artist and deserves as much love as the hard work she is giving to get those skills to play guitar like a goddess, it has many music styles inside making it available to anyone who loves music. From Rock to Pop to Progressive to Folk music, this is just an accomplishment of passionate people to give us pleasure for the ears and life and ends beautifully with an instrumental to close the chapter 100/100.


About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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3 Comments on “Alexandra-Zerner : “Opus 1880” CD & Digital 23rd September Self Released.”

  1. You might want to drop the Pledgemusic link. First, they have shut down operations, and second, they still owe Alexandra from her campaign. Opus 1880 is an awesome release by a talented artist.

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