Divine Realm : “Nordicity” CD 2nd March 2018 Self Released. Canada Shredder Heavy Metal / Progressive virtuoso. As a guitarist I’m always amazed to hear such brilliant players ! Today they are plenty of talented artists we don’t hear much and are really worth supporting. When a guitarist is giving you all his emotions with his instrument and speaks with it, like Satriani does but with different technics such as Nili Brosh , Jason Becker, Xavier Boscher , Lo Nero…it’s really something unusual and amazing as fresh in the guitar world where shredders all sound the same or without much difference.
Leo Diensthuber accompanied with his fellow guitarist Marc Roy, bring technic and melodies to send you in another world. Sometimes reminding those Messugah jazzy riffs at some point. He captures your senses and keep your attention from the start to the end. Like a normal song, he manages with his instrument and few samples to get you concentrated on what he plays. It is nothing like a teaching album it is just pure joy and happiness of real feelings. Guitarists will understand what I am trying to tell you here. It’s something nearly impossible to express such it is deep and like the cover artwork profound to artists.
I let you enjoy this moment of unreal yet pure moment of pleasure :
As you can hear there is a whole band behind the music but the two guitarists are the ones responsible for the sound and compositions. This kind of perfection should be spread around the globe in minutes and should have a label behind to support those awesome artists.
It is nothing like you ever heard before, some people will hear influences from Marty Friedman and else at some point but in the overall it is just majesty of guitar technic and power to lift up your mind. The band also is completed of Tyler Brayton on bass and Josh Ingram on drums. A brilliant line up that release such a peaceful and beautiful music.
If you like what you hear please buy the Five tracks album on their bandcamp page to help them pursuing this amazing talent.
Brilliant, emotional, beautiful..a must have 100/100.