Angeles : “Killers of the Games” CD 22nd April 2017 Rock Avenue Records. USA Rock / Hard Rock band. Early eighties band is still here kicking with awesome songs tainted with melodies and catchy riffs. The cover album and band logo catches the eyes straight away then the music just takes you to an island of pleasure. This is to me the band that keeps the roots of the early days keeping the flame and still raging through times. This band proves that good old tunes are still alive and will never change what the modern technology has brought. This is a band that speaks to your art and soul. Angeles is spreading happiness and is talking to the world.
Dale Lytle still shredding with love, watching him making me think of Uli Jon Roth and has a bit of Georges Lynch licks. Clare Diane ‘s voice has guts and manages to drive the melodies, singing in a Led Zeppelin cover band she has lots of vocals ability. Actually they make a cover at the end of the album “Whole Lotta love” that resumes pretty well how the band on itself can play and gets some of its influence among others .
The driving machine Danny Basulto and Cal Shelton are complimentary and it makes the songs smoothly and gently leading you to that masterpiece of four individuals that know how to rock. Each song being a hit single is hard to separate them from the whole and you can understand why this band has played for so long and received a platinum album.
This is a perfect band so check out this awesome video :
So you can now hear what I’m talking about, they have many influences : Bitch, Lisa Dominique, Black Sabbath, Heart, Saxon, The Cult, Femme Fatale, Hydrogyn, Jaded, The Runaways, Guns ‘n Roses, Pat Benatar, Precious Metal, Saraya, Lee Aaron, The Donnas, The Babes…. and you will hear and find your own, but at the end it makes sense this band is a number one top band. It just rocks and sticks to your head. So get this album now to listen those elven tracks that will send you back in time and make it last forever 99/100.