Gefrierbrand : “Es War Einmal” CD Self Released 29th February 2020. German Thrash / Death / Black Metal band.
Started ten years ago, the band released a first album straight away in 2011, the next release was five years later. This new album comes four years after and is so the third one to mark the music history of the band. Having played live gigs in the eastern Europe, they have gained a strong fan base and secured a place in the Metal scene. Harsh vocals sung in German, groove riffs and dancing tunes, it can be loved and appreciated by many people who loves music.
For sure the language barrier can be a problem for understanding but as we saw in history , people don’t have troubles to love a band no matter the language used in their compositions. The band have sung about war , revolution and many other related themes. This time they chose to get into your mind with story tales. Germany has a place which is beautiful and also can help creating stories that may become legends. The black forest can help getting those stories that only the wise living human being can tell.
“Es War Einmal”
The cover artwork is showing a book , on the front a beautiful painting of the forest on a hill surrounded by trees and the full moon with the blue dark color. Your mind is already absorbed just by looking at this photo , you are embarked into a story that will not leave you untouched. A book that is told in this album, the music can also open the spirit and show you many things. Don’t be afraid and let yourself go into a tale you have never heard of before.
As a story telling, the music moves through feelings. You can so hear some nice heavy Thrash Metal riffs, among Death and Black Metal fast tempos as vocals sharky ones. Gefrierbrand is mixing those styles that will conquer lots of Metal Heads around the globe. All those nice songs with cool groovy passages, which help you shake your butt and have fun while listening to the great tunes.
Towards the end you have even a so called ballad, with classical guitar intro and the last song is even more into the Pop range kind. There is a feel of Folk way of getting yourself wishing to move to the music. This is an opened book with many music styles. You can easily think of reading a book or watching a movie. A great idea to make an album to be loved by many.
Check this song :
Pretty hard to pigeon all as they have many influences , making this album very interesting from the idea to the compositions. Sometimes you will think of Dissection, Sometimes Kreator. Early Dimmu Borgir… Heavy Thrash passages from Metallica, Anthrax, Sodom, Slayer.. In the overall it is pretty nice songs to dance to. Many musical taste to feed the fans who loves Metal music.
Eleven songs taking you into another world, Gefrierbrand ‘s one. Whatever the songs, “Tief Im Forst” , “Es War Einmal” , Grab Aus Dornen” .. you will find your way and simply love this album.
“Based on the gate to the Black Forest in southern Germany, the woods and swamps are filled with myths, fairytales, legends and tales – Gefrierbrand”
After listening it ten times I can tell you it is addictive. They played live shows in 2018 and 2019, it is time to keep the band on the road for the new year and blast those great songs to the mighty crowd. You have no excuse for not seeing them live. Get this awesome and original album that deserves a lot of listening 98/100.