Mile : “The World in Focus” CD January 2018 Self Released. Swedish Modern Rock / Metal band.
Started in 2012, they created few tracks they spread through the net. It gave them fast exposure. The Internet is the best place those days for a young band to get heard and see how people respond to their music style. Their first album was made in 2015 three years after they started the band meaning they had plenty of ideas. Apart from being Swedish, where most musicians are good.
They have a unique sound and feeling in their style. We could say it is a Rock with balls getting their sound on the edge of Metal. Down tuned guitars, pounding drums, melodic vocals with power rowing kick. Mile is surely into the Metal world. Gaining better sound this second album three years after the first one, has that powerful sound we are used to those days.
They suffered only one line up change, so their structure is solid. Strong creations with amazing parts, they have gained in confidence and know-how to write very special songs to get your heart-melting. Heavy sound, powerful vocals with guts, and great lyrics. This new album is an explosion. Preparing for the next one, we can say they released a masterpiece.
I’ve been listening to this album for days and the love is still there. Something I can’t explain gets into my blood and make me love this band. In a way even if they have today’s Swedish power. They are original as it is pretty hard to pigeon them all. It is pretty hard those days to not hear the influence. Yet Mile is such a perfect band, the music they create is just amazing.
I let you enjoy this amazing song :
They are now on Kingart Management. Gaining the love from everybody. They deserve this great support to spread their amazing tunes. Love and passion are what Mile is spreading. Their music is like the best medicine you will need to heal.
For sure Marcus Karisson‘s voice, makes the perfect fit to send his band on top of the charts. They are rising to the stardom. This guy has a unique voice that can melt any lyrics with love. Row rocking voice pushing it, gets that Metal vibe and help you mosh.
Some little thrash riffs mixed with rocking ones. The attack of Machine Head bigger string, with the melodies of In Flames guitars notes. Strong lyrics to melt your heart, the receipt is just an amazing band. Those influences I give are just ideas to catch up with the power they are sending.
An explosion of senses. They have managed to create an original band that sounds at last different 100/100.