No Terror In The Bang : “Eclosion” CD 5th March 2021 M&O Music. French Modern Jazz /Rock / Nu Metal /Rap band.
Many French bands have been trying to mix musical genres for decades. Not many managed to stick to the scene. Sometimes trying too far to get each song withins a genre, not original enough, too far from the Metal scene… They all had something that didn’t catch up with the public at the time.
Music has evolved a lot and people love and accept much more than it used to be. What bands didn’t really pursued was to get their band and album a piece of art. We often see a band creating compositions to please a certain part of the public, mixing genres in one album.
No Terror In The Bang is first a special modern band , with a name, a design, a sound. Artists to the core, they breath each arts and managed to create a blend that no-one ever done before. I am not talking musically here , but a true piece of art. Indeed France is not a country to be used to have such a band.
This is probably where it is out of the ordinary. A band that will pass the borders and export their blood around the globe like a virus and spread so fast people will ask for more. Imagine watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie. Where your mind is leaving the floor reaching out for the inner brain. Trying to figure out the space you belong, a paint you don’t understand. Playing with special emotions.
Here is a hint :
Paramore, Portishead, Diana Krall, No Doubt, Rage Against The Machine, Slipknot, Drain sth…Their world is full of influences that bleed through. Most of it all is just a world of their own. No Terror In The Bang has set up a music style like no others. Between movie and music, a world that somehow is plunged into the twilight zone.
Distorted guitars, samples, piano, an atmosphere that absorbs your brain and let your soul in a drunk state. Form one point to another , a lost soul taken by fear and willing to go further. The thirteen tracks album will not leave you untouched. Read and discover the band in The Metal Mag interview.
Music and movies are both starting with the letter M, they are both two similar worlds apart. They are so close, if you love those arts you will love this album! There is no doubt those songs could be used in movie soundtracks. A masterpiece of Art 100/100.