Skaldenmet : “Blood Of Kvasir” Digital 12th January 2019 Self Released.

Skaldenmet : "Blood Of Kvasir" Digital 12th January 2019 Self Released.
Skaldenmet : "Blood Of Kvasir" Digital 12th January 2019 Self Released.
Skaldenmet : "Blood Of Kvasir" Digital 12th January 2019 Self Released.
Skaldenmet : “Blood Of Kvasir” Digital 12th January 2019 Self Released.

Skaldenmet : “Blood Of Kvasir” Digital 12th January 2019 Self Released. German Viking Metal band. An amazing cover album design sending you into the ancient times, with those surrounding people around the fire worshiping their spirit forces. The intro is really into those viking chants then it goes with a twist of Metal influences such as Death Metal Growl, Black Metal keyboards, A bit of Folk Rock…

I never really understood the Viking style , some are Thrash others use the basic earliest instruments, some are into the extreme scene.. Skaldenmet is simply a Metal band with those Viking spirits. You can dance on their tunes, flutes, symphonic female voices like the mermaid is talking to you. Started few years ago they managed to release an awesome album and got even the chance to play at this year’s Wacken Winternights in the Wackinger. This is a really good start for a young band.

They are capturing your soul into another world with the last song being in German. Sample excerpt from The Lord Of The Ring movie and few lyrics about Asgard, you get the mood of the valkyries times and enchanting feel to let you immerse into a great dream. They have played live with bands such as Grimner, Ragnaröek, Nine Treasures, Black Messiah, 5th Avenue … They are ready for the quest of invading the world with their awesome tunes.

The song “To The Viking ” following the intro has many vibes with a mix of Dimmu Borgir, strongly pushed by the keyboard feel and ending like Manowar warrior hails (Kings of Metal). The song “Berserker Rage” will be an hymn for live shows and people will head bang and mosh like mad.

The singer Andreas Barzyk is the  composer, he has done the recording, mixing and mastering of the CD. So with those abilites you can hear he really has the skills that gives this album a potential of a masterpiece usually made by professionals. With no label and self released , I am impressed by the result. This is a brilliant album and I wish them to go far as they deserve it.

Going from Growling vocals to melodic ones jumping from extreme Metal to Power Metal gives a special color that will ravish everyone and will open widely the fan base. A band that will be great at festivals powering the masses to their enchanting songs that will gain them a place on the top of the charts pretty soon.

I leave you discovering one song which is the seventh on the track list :

An album full of groove and power, nine tracks with Intro and sample making this seven songs album a great adventure into the world of Skaldenmet . Influences ranging from Alestorm,  Van Den Plast, Amon Amarth, Queen.. I urge you to check and buy this album that will get you addicted straight away. Bringing imaginations to your mind while listening to this masterpiece will result in a movie musically.

A beautiful piece for their first effort, check it out on their bandcamp page and order it without a doubt! A must have 100/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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