Strider : “Dominion Of Steel” CD 29th November 2019 Lion Music.

Strider : "Dominion Of Steel" CD 29th November 2019 Lion Music.
Strider : "Dominion Of Steel" CD 29th November 2019 Lion Music.
Strider : “Dominion Of Steel” CD 29th November 2019 Lion Music.

Strider : “Dominion Of Steel” CD 29th November 2019 Lion Music. Finland Heavy Metal band.

The label is always amazing me with the signature they do. Finding the best bands to cherish our beloved music style : Heavy Metal! Strong cover artwork with kick ass band logo, you know you are embarked into a brilliant album. A country that is more known for symphonic power Metal and FM Hard Rock music. We have Strider who brings us an explosive Heavy Metal band to blast the earth. They are taking the humour side with funny videos, yet their music is set to stay in memories.

Trying to spread their love into the compositions, we can hear their passion for Metal. Fighting the world with what’s happening in today’s life. They are armed and dangerous. Straight to the point they engage into the battle riding their instruments with pride. Inspired by Manowar, they surely have those heavy riffs to blast us. I can hear lots of influences here from Judas Priest, Saxon, Paragon, RAM… Without surprise Strider lives the Heavy Metal life to the bones and it is so good to hear.

Great guitar solos, enchanting vocals, power drumming. They entertain us and will move the crowd at live shows. Here we have skilled musicians who brought us a piece of art in the music world. Conquerors, messages for the warriors, their lyrics have that blood of the glory Metal. It bleeds the good old times that makes us proud to be a Metal Head.

Check out this funny video :

Hail, Hails Strider is one of those kind to challenge the business and tell them we will not bow. Metal music will succeed forever and ever. Ten songs with melodies, blasting riffs and good time to have while listening. You must have this album. The receipt of great music, a masterpiece to own and play for life 99/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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