Terror Empire : “Obscurity Rising” CD September 23 2017 Nordavind Records.

Terror Empire : "Obscurity Rising" CD September 23 2017 Nordavind Records.
Terror Empire : "Obscurity Rising" CD September 23 2017 Nordavind Records.
Terror Empire : "Obscurity Rising" CD September 23 2017 Nordavind Records.
Terror Empire : “Obscurity Rising” CD September 23 2017 Nordavind Records.

Terror Empire : “Obscurity Rising” CD September 23 2017 Nordavind Records. Portugal Thrash / Death  Metal band. If the cover reminds Death Metal early bands covers it’s certainly cos they have some influences. Eleven kick ass tracks that will mosh all the fans mixing riffs that mosh you down and get you headbang like mad.

This is pure Thrash with an edge of Death that makes this album a masterpiece to own. Lyrics straight to the point you will love as the music. Those guys play as good as the big ones you will dig in a second and play again and again. “Times of war” , “lust” , “New dictators” will kick your ass all along the album.

Really happy to hear bands like this who manage to keep the flame and always bring some new blood with the old tunes. So if you like Sepultura, Exodus, Kreator, Havok, Toranaga, Generation Kill, Pokerface, Malevolent Creation…

Get that album now 100/100.

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The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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