The Losts : “Mystery of Depths” CD & Digital 7th May 2021 Self Released. French Heavy / Thrash / Black Metal band.
When you see a cover artwork it generally gives you a hint of the music to expect. While this one has a very nice artistic approach, the grey colour and details as the logo with inverted cross. Will make you think it is an extreme Metal band.
It is so with big surprise I discovered the first two tracks , being powerful and amazing Heavy Metal ones! The third one is indeed a Black Metal song which kinda kill the whole pleasure. It is very disturbing when a band plays music that doesn’t fit the cover artwork. Then having other songs that are really in phase with the design you are wondering what exactly the band wanted to express.
The first impression is a band who wants to get many music styles in one album, showing their interest in music and their ability to jungle with genres that is on it’s own a very good thing. But I am sorry to tell they are missing the point to get the interest from many individuals who loves music.
First inverted cross send them straight into the extreme Metal world where they are not really made for . If they have a growling voice at some point and few blasting Black Metal songs. I am not sure the extreme public will love those tracks with different music style . Either way the approach is to me very wrong.
There is a difference with a band who doesn’t want to be categorised in box and the ones who really want to express their love for music by mixing several genres to attract more listeners. I would normally won’t waste time reviewing that kind of band if I didn’t hear very good songs that gives you the interest in the musicians who have a strong potential.
Hear this track that has some technical parts with a Thrash edge to it :
Influences ranging from Heathen, King Diamond, Death Dealer, Judas Priest, Quiet Riot, Ozzy Osbourne, Darkthrone ..
For those who loves good old Heavy Metal , they will love this band. They should avoid the extreme songs that would need a separate album with that cover.
Neither less to say , The Losts is a good band with lots of great songs. A good album in the overall 60/100.