Dark Zodiak : “Ophiuchus” Digipack CD & Digital 30th January 2021 Self Released.

Dark Zodiak : "Ophiuchus" Digipack CD & Digital 30th January 2021 Self Released.
Dark Zodiak : "Ophiuchus" Digipack CD & Digital 30th January 2021 Self Released.
Dark Zodiak : "Ophiuchus" Digipack CD & Digital 30th January 2021 Self Released.
Dark Zodiak : “Ophiuchus” Digipack CD & Digital 30th January 2021 Self Released.

Dark Zodiak : “Ophiuchus” Digipack CD & Digital 30th January 2021 Self Released. German Thrash / Death Metal band.

Started few years ago, ten years to be precise. They have released an EP in 2013, and two years later an LP! A very active band in creating tunes, which led them to create once again two years after their last album in 2015 that can be called the second one…Having released an album every two years, the last one “Ophiucius” came out four years after the last one in 2017. 

In between to gather new attraction from the fans and the medias, they re-released the 2013 EP with four tracks digitaly on their bandcamp..  This sets this EP apart from the rest of the releases but keeping the activity of the band before releasing the last album.

While most bands are getting back into the eighties Thrash Metal, Dark Zodiak is back to the early Death Metal era that saw Thrash Metal evolving toward a much more intense Metal music. True to their roots , they keep the Thrash catchy riffs to blow your mind with pleasure, mixed with growls and pounding tunes. A way back to the early Death Metal that got us all addicted to it. Thrash will never die!

Check out this song :

Great cover artwork, even though at first I thought the band’s name was the album title.. The back cover is very actual with each members wearing masks. Dark Zodiak is an original band influenced by the oldies. Yet it sounds good on each album, like a real work to bring us amazing album each time. Listening to the albums is like reading a book, you have nice intros, great bass parts and catchy riffs .

Influences ranging from : Slayer, Morbid Angel, Oppobrium, Obituary, Massacre, Testament, Decadence, Morgoth, Death, Kreator, Angelcorpse...An evolution of stories through the music, with emotions, melodies and great solos. You can dig the universe from Dark Zodiak and fan them in a second. You will buy all their merch, this band gives us a great love. 

Ten songs with feelings and anger, like most eighties Thrash Metal bands with a strong power to kick some ass, a must have 100/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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