Genus Ordinis Dei : “Great Olden Dynasty” CD 24 th November 2017 Eclipse Records. Italian Death Metal band. A band who is setting them apart from the crowd with heavy pounding tunes mixed with screaming melodic vocals reminding the mid 90’s band such as Darkane, Meshuggah etc…The cover art for the album was designed by Andrea Spoto, and the album was produced, mixed, and mastered by Simone Mularoni (Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody, DGM) at Domination Studio. Having one track “Salem” with guest Cristina Scabbia.
Check out the amazing video :
For any extreme music lovers and who appreciate the quality of great music with heart in the conception and creation this is for you. It ain’t the typical Death Metal band with brutal speed heavy tunes it also have messages in the lyrics and the cover express that as the awesome video! You don’t have to be fan to appreciate the music style of a band that gives 100% of their true passion. This is a band that will get exposure and kick the scene with that pounding and melodic music 98/100.