Graveshadow : “The Uncertain Hour” CD & LP 15th July 2022 M-Theory Audio.

Graveshadow : "The Uncertain Hour" CD & LP 15th July 2022 M-Theory Audio.
Graveshadow : "The Uncertain Hour" CD & LP 15th July 2022 M-Theory Audio.
Graveshadow : "The Uncertain Hour" CD & LP 15th July 2022 M-Theory Audio.
Graveshadow : “The Uncertain Hour” CD & LP 15th July 2022 M-Theory Audio.

Graveshadow : “The Uncertain Hour” CD & LP 15th July 2022 M-Theory Audio. USA Heavy Metal band.

The band is back! With a brand new lineup that might surprise the early fans, but damn this is an awesome one! The amazing Rachel is lifting up this band in the highest spheres of the world. Such a pleasure to hear her magic voice. It reminds her first band which was a brilliant one.

A beautiful artwork cover shows the wolf crying for the moon. You are embarked on a fairy tale! A story that will get your mind working into the dreams of legendary movies.  Dig the music and you will leave on a cloud of pleasure. Read the interview in The Metal Mag to learn a bit more. 

An intro in the melancholic sound reminds the first Within Temptation album to help those get the idea of buying this album. Yet this is not a symphonic band as some would call it. Following starting up into the heavy madness powerful song, the melodic and beautiful Rachel voice with William Growling keeps the style of the roots reminding the band has evolved but is still the same.

Melodies keep going throughout the album with powerful heavy tunes. Harmonies and melodies give this album a deep touch of love and passion. 

Get bewitched :

“Emotional masterpiece, driven with power, melting your heart with passion”

The growling voice being only on a few songs, the trade keeps its way, with a new musical direction. Graveshadow has taken the melodic path and Rachel makes it unforgettable as a lovable album to play every day. 

The last track brings a Black Metal style with blasting riffs keeping up the power until the end. Influences Doro, Within Temptation, Dimmu Borgir..a mix of all good Metal that will blow your mind. You will cry your heart out with passion.

A must-have masterpiece that will forever be remembered in the music world 100/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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