Void Inn : “End This Game” Digipack CD 20th October 2020 Inside Rock Record. Serbia Rock / Metal band.
Second album from this great band started in the states and back to their country. It is with no surprise they have that US sound. A big change from the first album. A line up change, a modern logo to mark a new beginning. The cover artwork reminding an eighties band.
Jelenavu Janovic has a powerful voice and mixes from Rock to Metal sounds. It gives a color making Void Inn a special band with it’s own sound yet bleeding the influences from many decades of music.
They have made a big step to bring us a brillant album sounding like a masterpiece. While keeping their roots from the previous one, this second album is more Metal and will please a lot of people. Growing up to a powerhouse band, we can’t wish more than having albums in the same vein. Spreading rocking tunes to blast the music scene.
Very professional , the team composed some serious songs to kick out anyone hitting a listen. You will be addicted in a second and won’t stop listening to it.
Here is the first track :
Influences from Black Sabbath, Alice In Chains, Pantera, Phantom Blue, Meldrum, Machine Head.. I am sure you will find your favorite one.Amazing to hear modern bands managing to mix up so many decades of music and performing with big surprise.
I felt in love with this band and can’t stop playing this six tracks album, I can’t wait to have more. If like me you have the first album then you have way more songs to play to. Read the interview in The Metal Mag to hear a bit more.
A perfect band 100/100.