Manticora Loch Vostok Hexed live La boule Noire 9th March 2019 Paris France

Manticora Loch Vostok Hexed live La boule Noire 9th March 2019 Paris France
Manticora Loch Vostok Hexed live La boule Noire 9th March 2019 Paris France
Manticora Loch Vostok Hexed live La boule Noire 9th March 2019 Paris France

Manticora Loch Vostok Hexed live La boule Noire 9th March 2019 Paris France.

The european tour had to go through France because Manticora loves French audience and so had to come back to meet the fans again. They embarked with two bands , one being Lock Vostok people might know as they have released few albums and Hexed a recent band that blew away the scene with their amazing album.

You can actually read the review or even the interview of Hexed in The Metal Mag.

It is by chance I had the privilege to attend this show, and I must say I am happy I did! It is not easy to meet the bands you interview or support and because of “right time , right moment” it has happened. Thanks to Lars F. Larsen and ViciSolum Productions who gave me this opportunity to be among those musicians.

The show started early but the guys and girl were relaxing and preparing before the show as they spend most of the time moving from town to town and need a break. So I was trying to capture a little something from those tired people happy to be here to spread their tunes to the French fans. I love those time cos even though they are tired, they love company and always into the music atmosphere. I couldn’t film everything as it is pretty difficult and not intended to show but as you can see it is a little fun being around those guys.

For those who like me play guitar , will notice that guitarists never leave their instruments and even talk about it all the time ahaha. A drummer even plays at some point with a guitar…, so I called this “Before After” that could be a ‘bonus’ at the end of a DVD. Enjoy those little moments :

So now you had passed a little time with the bands , it is time for you to enjoy the first live band Hexed, that performed a good part of their album. For those who haven’t yet discovered this amazing band this is the time to. For the other ones you will appreciate a part of the show that delivers a really good vibe with brilliant tunes. Since the gig started around 7 PM , the crowd was not that huge but it doesn’t matter as they have all appreciated the show. With a brand new young drummer Simon Aspsund and a rhythm guitarist Jay Matharu to help Stellan Gunnarsson enjoying the most of his melodies, the band was complete to explode the ears of the audience who loved it. Tina Gunnarsson has enchanted the place and bewitched them all to fall into her magic vocals spirits. Daniel Håkansson on bass got the heavier side of it all. Go on take a bite :

With a small crowd the sound is bit distorted because louder than with a full place packed. I am sure you will still enjoy what you have listened and to see the musicians performing is always a pleasure. This may give you the wish to listen to this amazing album again…

The time to set up the gears of the next band, Hexed left the place to Loch Vostok who played a different music style. A band that mixes many Metal styles giving them a special feel and have conquered many metal heads who may have seen them for the first time on that night. They performed a great live show , Teddy Möller the guitarist singer tried to get the crowd be part of the show with his funny little growl that everyone followed. Like his sister Tina he has that melodic voice which gives a pretty nice touch of this music sometimes blasting sometimes into the progressive era. With the mighty Lawrence Dinamarca behind the drums , who is playing in many great Swedish bands. You will recognise behind the keyboard the one who gently talked to the camera in the “before after” little video ..Fredrik Klingwall. Among with  Niklas Kupper on guitars, Patrik Janson on bass they are all bringing their own touch that makes this awesome creation. I let you enjoy a part of this live show :

While they were finishing their set, the crowd got bigger as the fans came to see the mighty Manticora exploding the place with their powerful tunes. So finally a little bit late the place got a good fan base to enjoy the show and for those who missed Hexed then now you have no excuse!

Starting with a nice instrumental intro the Danish band exploded the stage for a good time. The fans were happy and the band gave us a brilliant set going through their long career. Playing songs from the first albums going back and forth to the last release, the decibels and heavy riffs have pounded for hours. Kristian Larsen on guitars playing heavy riffs, Stefan Johansson playing his amazing solos that blast the songs, Sebastian Andersen  on bass, A drummer just for the tour (remember the guy playing kiss on the guitar…”before after” introduction). Of course the man himself Lars F. Larsen behind the mic putting on the show to get the live experience for the visual attendants a strong memory.  A very good set blasting the audience with their creations leaving a trace in the head of the crowd for a while.  The beast Manticora has once again destroyed Paris! Enjoy this live part :

So in the overall it was a great night for both the bands and the crowd, before packing up the gears to go to the next country UK to perform the next day, they gently have given a bit of their time to sign autographs and taking pictures with the fans. My best friend and driver for the day Xavier had the set list signed by the whole band he loves , saw them live before and own their albums. I thank them all for their kindness and passion that drive us all crazy about music. A great show to remember and great bands to follow.

Set-liste-signee-de-Manticora 9 Mars 2019 Paris
Set-liste-signee-de-Manticora 9 Mars 2019 Paris


About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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