Now-Or-Never : “III” CD & Digital 18th September 2020 Crusader Records. Switzerland / French Heavy Metal band.
The fallen angel is back! A brand new album named THREE, to mark the following title from the previous ones. Gaining a slight line up change with an amazing singer. Steph Honde is showing his strength with his powerful voice , bringing this album on top of the list for September. Ricky Marx has once again created some great riffs , and the result is just a strong slap in the face.
The album starts with a pounding Heavy Metal in your face great song. Steph is just blowing it all with his amazing voice! III will get you moving ! This is a strong album to kick the world for sure. You can hear the years of experiences from those musicians. Imagine being in a car aside of the driver burning the tires on the hot road in the desert going fast.
You will feel the passion that emerges from those creations. Amazing songs with one cover at the end that sounds like Now of Never one such it is reprinted with its blood. Eleven songs to entertain you from the first note to the last one. Lots of groove , melodies, kicking parts. Every musicians will appreciate the hard work done from the drummer to the singer, this band is just amazing.
You will fall in love straight away, women will melt with that voice and males for the power of the tunes ahah . Exerts from movies to emphasis the lyrics to send you deeper in the meaning to absorb you.
‘When David Coverdale meets Dio and Ian Gillan, it gives you the power of Steph Honde’
Check out this song:
Now or Never have released a bomb that will stick into music history for sure. We can tell they found the right line up, but they surely adapt well with every good musicians. A nice intro to blast your ears with the first track, “Two Worlds Away” , “Eyes of a Child’, “Ordinary World”…it’s just a beautiful piece of music. Believe me you will play it for long.
What I like from this album is I don’t hear any other bands like I used to . I’m captivated by those brilliant songs , filling up my Metal Head heart with pleasure. This album would deserve a vinyl version but you will get a CD one instead. If you are like me support the band and own a piece of them. A must have 100/100.