Wartooth : “Thrash Attack” Single 10th September 2017 Self Released.

Wartooth : "Thrash Attack" Single 10th September 2017 Self Released.
Wartooth : "Thrash Attack" Single 10th September 2017 Self Released.
Wartooth : “Thrash Attack” Single 10th September 2017 Self Released.

Wartooth : “Thrash Attack” Single 10th September 2017 Self Released. Australia Thrash Metal band. This band started few years ago back in 2014 as a two piece one to then evolve into a Thrash attack, it seems this country is having lots of cool musicians yet as every todays band the difficulty to have a full stable line up is hard.

They had several bass players as drummer changing their music to become the best release a Thrash Metal group of individuals can bring. This single is a bomb bringing you back in the early eighties with a mix of late eighties fast kick ass riffs to blow your mind. Two years later their fun as a two piece got busted with a full line up , they released a four track mini EP that will ring your ears such it is a masterpiece.

Unfortunately the EP is out of stock yet you can still listen to it on their bandcamp page! But the single is still available so help these crazy thrashers to get busted and release a brilliant album! Check out this very professional video that will drop your jaw to the floor.

Amazing moshers who can spread that heavy power that was the eighties most angry Metal style. Influences are so various but well played it’s hard to just put them into one box with one influence. You will hear Nuclear Assault, D.R.I, M.O.D , Voivod, Anthrax, Vio-lence …this is bloody Thrash Metal in your face.

Wartooth has released and hymn to credit this style we all moshed and headbanged to for years. If you are musicians you will appreciate their skills and all the moments in just one song that dedicate the whole style to all the Thrashers around the world.

So we just can say thank you to have a band like this who brings amazing tunes to mosh our days. This is the single for the summer 100/100.



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The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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