Circle Creek : “Past Presents Future” CD 5th October 2018 NRT Records. Austria Punk / Rock / Hard Rock / Stoner…band. hard to set in a box, this band is just kicking your butt from start to end. If you need to wake up this is the perfect album to tune to.
They are celebrating thirty five years of existence! I am amazed but at the same time happy to discover their fury of kicking the world with their punch.
Started in 1983 I must say they are sounding like new as old band. Mixing many music styles that help the album giving such power and blasting happiness. To my knowledge I rarely saw two brothers getting on so well after so many years. They have had line up issue like any band in their life existence but finally are still here enjoying themselves and giving us some great riff to head bang.
Circle Creek create rocking songs and have invited a guest on this album, Adi Bitran from Orpheus Blade. Who sings on the song “Going Nowhere” in a slight different version that the one made by the band also featuring on this album. So you may have a better like on one version or just like both.
Check out the video to get a hint of what to expect :
So there you go a cool band playing some ‘fun’ songs to move your life , the album is only half an hour but surely make you press play to listen to it several times. For those who like to get influences or riffs … you can hear many such as Motorhead, The Donnas, The Exploited, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Muse, Mobutu, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rage Against the Machine, Carbone …
There is a mix of plenty of good riffs getting you love this band instantly. So get your hand on this album and follow those rockers 98/100.