The End of Melancholy : “The Demon” Digital Single 15th May 2018 Self Released.

The End of Melancholy : "The Demon" Digital Single 15th May 2018 Self Released.
The End of Melancholy : "The Demon" Digital Single 15th May 2018 Self Released.
The End of Melancholy : “The Demon” Digital Single 15th May 2018 Self Released.

The End of Melancholy : “The Demon” Digital Single 15th May 2018 Self Released. Russia modern Metal / Alternative / Gothic / Celtic band. There are bands that today are hard to put in a box such they have many influences that reach the boundaries of the usual music styles.

Thanks to the social medias , this country full of talents are getting exposed more and more each days that gives a new taste of musical creations to fulfill the worldwide scene. While the extreme underground one has been more opened during years ,  I discover those amazing bands who bring a fresh blood with a mix of tunes that opens other doors to the imagination.

They have videos on Youtube that date from 2016 meaning the band has played for a while now. Very professional videos , beautiful photos on their Facebook page. They have all it takes to make a brilliant musical career.

The singer and main founder Olly Lex , knows well how to get her band spread and supported. Just listen to this song and get addicted by the melodies and the feel that is surrounding your soul :

An intro with melodic flutes or instruments that reminds ancient times such as in Celtic music, heavy guitars and pounding riffs , going deep in your blood capturing the senses of the lyrics . A powerful song telling you this band is a must love. Can’t wait to hear a full album with promising great songs.

You can read the recent interview in The Metal Mag to have more in-depth understanding of this amazing group. Musically sounding sometimes like Scarlet Sins, early Soundgarden…you will hear many influences but the most important is they have their own style, and that what matters!

Without a doubt this song on its own gets the best attention a band can get , keep listening to it and support them. You can buy this song on their bandcamp page. Just brilliant 100/100.

About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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