The Metal Mag N°44 July – August 2021

©The Metal Mag July - August 2021
©The Metal Mag July - August 2021
©The Metal Mag July – August 2021

The Metal Mag N°44 July – August 2021

1/The End Of Melancholy

2/Ancient settlers

3/The Cruel Intention

4/Todd Michaels

5/Arched Fire

6/The Tex Avery Syndrome

7/Ben Sollberger

8/Edge of Paradise

9/Age Of Reflection

10/Timothy J 

11/Andy Rage

12/John Ivan


14/Barbara Max



17/Timo Wuerz

18/Raven Black Night


About TheeEditor

The Metal Mag was born in 1998 in England, the wish to support Metal bands in the world. A magazine is readable for free with live video interviews and link to partners.

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