Allenkey : “The Last Rhino” Digital 22nd Sep 2021 Canil Records. Brazil Rock / Heavy Metal band.
When it comes to originality, some countries can kick us out with amazing art. Eye blowing, hearing pleasure, I haven’t found a band for a long time who can define arts in one big way. Music is life, but most bands concentrate only on one thing most of the time.
Allenkey opens a wider path, expressing art in all of its forms. More than just an album cover, the search for using talents spill from their materials. From singles to the main album, blasting artwork, beautiful music, and videos. It’s a whole, you must see and hear the result of those creations.
Colorful design, melodic music tainted with various influences from different music styles. Dancing for expressing a mood and lyrics in a video, a singer playing guitar and singing with melodies sometimes pushing a bit in a nice touch. There is everything to find in this amazing band.
New technology helps us spread the arts in full power. When listening to an album can give you goosebumps and imagination from the lyrics to the music. But Allekey helps you by using every art they master to give you images and sounds you won’t forget.
Such a pleasure to see a band that hasn’t lost it all; in today’s emergence into the digitalized world, we can be tempted easily to give what is already done. The search for the perfect can lead to nothing, but if you have creations and no limits then you can realize great things.
Check this song :
I urge you to check out this band, their album, and all of their videos. You will fall in love with Allekey pretty easily if you love music and arts in general. Influences are various and each will find its own, from Evanescence, Drain Sth, Phantom Blue, The Oath, Black Label Society, Meldrum, Halestorm, Afterbridge, Tool, Avenged Sevenfold, Soundgarden…
Karina Menascé ‘s voice will take you to her parallel world, going from melodic sweet touch to heavy angry temper. She is flowing like a river into senses. The guitarists’ heavy riffs catch all attention to make sure you don’t leave in the middle of the play. The pounding drum melting with power those influences giving the songs this atmosphere.
Overall, an amazing album-opening to an array of possibilities and a wide range of music fans. This masterpiece will conquer the world like a bomb 100/100.