Ewigkeit : “DISClose” Digital 23rd February 2019 CD 23rd March 2019 Death To Music Productions. Gothic / Doom / Heavy / Black Metal band. Discovered this one man band in the late eighties when I was in the UK and still got the first Demo Tape. James Fogarty is back with a new album still in his space like music.
Started in the Black Metal fast style with lots of keyboards, he has evolved into something more into deep dark tunes. Still interested about the aliens and the human species into this galaxy, questioning the life and its equation. We are always into the mind spiritual feel while listening to his compositions.
A journey into wondering in the astral world with lyrics about every living species and what our life would become. This album could be a soundtrack for the TV series X-FIles! The awesome cover artwork designed by Lenny Bridgeman setting up the univers in which you will land.
Seven long tracks with atmosphere and ambient playing with your senses, samples with speaking text asserts. It reminds me of The Twilight Zones episodes. Since the human being can’t prove anything , this is a quest for the unknown. The voice is changing depending on the part of the song and the reason of what it expresses.
I leave you with a nice video to make up your mind :
So it’s Heavy with good riffs and many parts getting the musical direction a difficult task. Of course it would be easy to stick the title a mix between Marduk and Paradise Lost. But this is far from just this simple short description. After listening to this album many times , I must admit I had several influences popping into my mind and I am sure it will be the same for you.
Screaming vocals with the digital effects bringing back the memories of those bands such as Emperor, the dark Heavy voice in the vein of Type ‘o Negative…but those are just influences you can recall while listening to Ewigkeit.
In the overall it is a beautiful emotional album that takes from the past and the futur giving a beautiful piece of nice feelings. A great evolution from the first demo although managed to keep his own style! Whatever you heard of this band before or it is the first time you will get into it without doubt. So embark on this stellar journey and love this beautiful piece of art that will conquer many fans 98/100.